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lawn pests

Identifying and Treating Common Lawn Pests in Texas

Posted on July 3, 2024

Maintaining a beautiful, healthy lawn in Texas is no small feat, thanks to a variety of regional lawn pests that can wreak havoc on your grass and landscape. From tiny insects that eat away at the roots to larger pests that damage the overall plant structure, lawn pests present a constant challenge for homeowners. The diverse climate of Texas provides ideal conditions for numerous pests to thrive, making it crucial for anyone with a lawn to be knowledgeable about early identification and effective treatment methods.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore some of the most common lawn pests found in Texas, including how to identify them and the best methods for treating and preventing infestations. Whether you are a seasoned gardener or new to lawn care, understanding the signs of pest damage and knowing how to address issues promptly is vital for maintaining a healthy, lush lawn.

At GroGreen, we specialize in bespoke lawn treatment solutions tailored to combat specific pests effectively. Our team of experts is skilled in identifying various pest problems and implementing timely, effective treatments to keep your lawn looking its best. Follow along as we delve into the specifics of common Texas lawn pests and discover how to protect your lawn from these troublesome invaders.

The Importance of Early Detection

Early detection of lawn pests can save you time, money, and frustration. Knowing the early signs of an infestation allows you to take action before the damage becomes extensive. This section will cover the initial indicators of some of the most common lawn pests found in Texas and why early intervention is critical.

Recognizing Chinch Bugs

Chinch bugs are one of the most notorious lawn pests in Texas, known for attacking St. Augustine grass, although they can affect other types of grass as well. These small insects have a distinctive black and white pattern and measure about 1/5 inch in length.

Signs of Chinch Bug Infestation:

1. Yellow Patches: Look for yellowing grass that progresses to brown, particularly in sunny areas.

2. Wilting Grass: Affected areas may wilt despite regular watering.

3. Bug Sightings: You may see the insects themselves, especially at the base of grass blades.


1. Insecticidal Soap: A safe and effective option for small infestations.

2. Chemical Insecticides: Use a targeted insecticide to eradicate larger populations. Be sure to follow label instructions carefully.

3. Natural Predators: Encourage beneficial insects like ladybugs, which feed on chinch bugs.

Combating White Grubs

White grubs are the larvae of several types of beetles, including the June beetle. They live below the surface, feeding on grass roots, which can cause significant damage if left unchecked.

Signs of Grub Infestation:

1. Spongy Turf: Grass feels spongy underfoot and can be easily pulled up.

2. Bare Patches: Random bare spots start to appear.

3. Presence of Beetles: Increase in beetle activity around your lawn.


1. Milky Spore: A natural treatment that targets grubs specifically.

2. Nematodes: Beneficial microscopic worms that hunt and kill grubs.

3. Insecticides: Use specialized grub control insecticides for severe infestations.

Managing Fire Ants

Fire ants are a common and particularly troublesome pest in Texas lawns, known for their painful stings and aggressive behavior. These pests build unsightly mounds and can quickly spread throughout your lawn.

Signs of Fire Ant Infestation:

1. Mounds: The presence of large, dome-shaped mounds.

2. Ant Sightings: Red ants actively foraging or swarming.

3. Painful Stings: Experiencing multiple painful bites.


1. Bait Products: Spread fire ant baits to attract and poison the colony.

2. Boiling Water: Pouring boiling water over the mound can kill the ants and destroy the nest.

3. Insecticides: Use granular or liquid insecticides for comprehensive control.

Addressing Armyworms

Armyworms are caterpillars that can quickly devastate a lawn by eating grass blades. These pests are most active in late summer and fall and prefer Bermuda grass but can affect other types as well.

Signs of Armyworm Infestation:

1. Chewed Grass Blades: Noticeable bitemarks or missing grass tips.

2. Brown Patches: Rapid browning of affected areas.

3. Visible Caterpillars: Spotting the larvae early in the morning or late afternoon.


1. Bacillus Thuringiensis (Bt): A biological pesticide that targets caterpillars.

2. Insecticidal Soap: Effective against young larvae.

3. Chemical Insecticides: For extensive infestations, use a targeted chemical treatment.

Resources and Professional Help

While DIY treatments can be effective, severe infestations often require professional intervention. GroGreen provides expertly tailored solutions for all types of lawn pests. Our technicians are trained to identify specific pest problems and apply appropriate treatments safely and effectively.

Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is an environmentally friendly approach to pest control that combines multiple methods to manage pests effectively. This strategy includes monitoring, prevention, and the use of biological, cultural, and chemical controls in a complementary way.

Steps in IPM:

1. Monitoring: Regularly check your lawn for early signs of pest activity.

2. Prevention: Implement cultural practices such as proper watering, mowing, and fertilizing to strengthen grass and make it less susceptible to pests.

3. Biological Controls: Introduce natural predators or use microbial pesticides.

4. Chemical Controls: Apply chemical treatments only when necessary and as part of a broader pest management plan.

By adopting an IPM approach, you can reduce reliance on chemical treatments and promote a healthier, more sustainable lawn ecosystem.

Insecticidal Treatments

Insecticidal treatments, including both chemical and organic options, are often the first line of defense against lawn pests. These treatments are designed to kill pests on contact or disrupt their life cycles. Proper use of insecticides requires following label instructions to avoid harming beneficial insects and plants.

Benefits of Insecticidal Treatments:

Immediate reduction in the pest population.

Targeted application to affected areas.

Availability of organic options for eco-friendly pest control.

Biological Controls

Biological controls involve introducing natural predators or parasites to control pest populations. This eco-friendly approach reduces the need for chemical treatments and helps maintain a balanced ecosystem in your lawn.

Examples of Biological Controls:

Releasing beneficial insects like ladybugs to target specific pests.

Using microbial pesticides such as Bt to target caterpillar pests.

Introducing nematodes to control soil-dwelling pests like grubs.

Cultural Practices

Maintaining healthy lawn care practices can deter pests and make it less likely for them to cause significant damage. Proper mowing, watering, and fertilizing can enhance the resilience of your lawn against potential pest problems.

Cultural Practices to Consider:

Regular mowing to the correct height to reduce pest-friendly environments.

Adequate watering to maintain lawn health without over-saturating.

Proper fertilization to strengthen grass against pest damage.

Preventing Lawn Pests

Prevention is always better than cure when it comes to managing lawn pests. Here are a few tips to help prevent pest infestations in your lawn:

Regular Monitoring

Frequent monitoring allows you to catch pest problems early. Keep an eye out for signs of pests, such as unusual patches of yellow or brown grass, visible insects, and changes in grass texture.

Monitoring Tips:

Inspect your lawn regularly, especially during peak pest seasons.

Use a flashlight to check for insects at the base of grass blades.

Note any changes in lawn health and investigate further if necessary.

Maintaining Lawn Health

A healthy lawn is less susceptible to pest problems. Proper lawn care can create an environment that discourages pest infestation.

Steps to Maintain Lawn Health:

Water your lawn deeply and infrequently to promote strong root growth.

Mow at the recommended height for your grass type.

Fertilize appropriately to ensure your lawn has the nutrients it needs.

Using Preventative Treatments

In some cases, preventative treatments can help keep pests at bay before they become a problem. Applying preemptive insecticides or introducing beneficial insects can be effective strategies.

Preventative Measures:

Apply pre-emergent insecticides in early spring to control grubs.

Introduce beneficial nematodes during the growing season.

Use natural repellents to deter pests.

Seeking Professional Help

If you find it challenging to manage lawn pests on your own, seeking professional help may be the best solution. Professional lawn care services have the expertise and tools to effectively identify and treat pest problems.

Benefits of Professional Lawn Care Services:

Accurate identification of pest issues.

Targeted treatment plans tailored to your lawn’s needs.

Safe and effective use of pest control products.

Signs of Infestation:

Irregular brown patches of grass.

Skeletonized grass blades with only the veins remaining.

Webbing in the thatch layer near the soil surface.

Moths flying over the grass in the late afternoon and evening.

Professional Control Methods:

Use of biological pesticides like Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) to target larvae.

Apply insecticidal soaps for early-stage infestations.

Chemical insecticides for more severe infestations, applied late in the day when webworms are most active.

Identifying and Managing Bermudagrass Mites

Bermudagrass mites are microscopic pests that feed on Bermuda grass, causing it to become stunted and unhealthy. These mites suck sap from the grass blades, weakening the plant and leading to tufted growth.

Signs of Infestation:

Grass blades appear rolled or tufted at the tips.

Stunted growth and thinning patches of grass.

Yellow or brown discoloration spreading in localized areas.

Professional Control Methods:

Use of miticides designed to target these tiny pests.

Proper irrigation and fertilization to help the grass recover.

Frequent mowing to reduce mite habitats and promote healthy growth.

Dealing with Leafhoppers

Leafhoppers are small, wedge-shaped insects that can damage lawns by sucking sap from grass blades. They also spread plant diseases, which can further affect the health of your lawn. These pests are very mobile and can jump or fly away quickly when disturbed.

Signs of Infestation:

Grass blades have white or yellow stippling.

Presence of adult leafhoppers that jump or fly when you walk through the grass.

General decline in lawn vigor and health.

Professional Control Methods:

Application of systemic insecticides that are absorbed by the grass and target leafhoppers feeding on it.

Use of insecticidal soaps for smaller infestations.

Cultural practices like proper watering and mowing to reduce stress on the grass.

Recognizing and Controlling Mole Crickets

Mole crickets are larger pests that burrow through the soil, feeding on roots and creating tunnels that damage grass. These tunnels disrupt the soil structure, causing the grass to dry out and die.

Signs of Infestation:

Raised tunnels or burrows visible on the lawn surface.

Grass dying off in patches, particularly in sandy soils.

Soft, sponge-like areas where mole crickets have been active.

Professional Control Methods:

Bait treatments that target and eliminate mole crickets.

Applying insecticides specifically designed for soil-dwelling pests.

Proper lawn aeration to reduce compaction and make it less attractive to mole crickets.

Strategies for Preventing Lawn Pests

Preventive measures play a crucial role in keeping your lawn free from pests. Consistently following good lawn care practices can help deter pests and minimize damage.

Regular Maintenance

Maintaining a regular schedule for lawn care tasks like mowing, watering, and fertilizing can strengthen your grass, making it less susceptible to pests. Regular maintenance also makes it easier to spot issues early.

Key Maintenance Tips:

Mow regularly at the right height for your grass type.

Water deeply but infrequently to encourage strong root systems.

Fertilize according to the needs of your grass to keep it healthy and resilient.

Lawn Inspections

Regularly inspecting your lawn for signs of pest activity helps catch problems early. Look for changes in color, texture, and overall health, which can indicate pest issues.

Inspection Tips:

Walk over your lawn weekly, especially during peak pest seasons, to check for signs of trouble.

Use a hand lens or magnifying glass to inspect grass blades closely.

Pay attention to areas that don’t respond to watering or fertilizing.

Understanding Seasonal Pest Activity

Knowing when different pests are most active can help you time your preventive measures and treatments more effectively. Different pests thrive at different times of the year, so adjusting your lawn care routine accordingly is key.

Spring and Early Summer

Spring and early summer see increased activity from pests like chinch bugs and grubs. Preparing for these pests involves applying preventive treatments and monitoring closely.

Spring Tips:

– Apply pre-emergent grub control products in early spring.

– Begin regular lawn inspections as temperatures rise.

– Increase watering and fertilizing to encourage strong growth.

Late Summer and Fall

Late summer and fall are prime times for pests like armyworms and sod webworms. Taking preventive steps during this period helps manage these pests effectively.

Fall Tips:

Apply Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) for caterpillar pests in late summer.

Monitor for signs of armyworm activity and treat promptly.

Continue regular mowing and irrigation to maintain lawn health.

Key Natural Predators:

– Ladybugs: Targets aphids, chinch bugs, and other small insects.

– Predatory Nematodes: Effective against grubs and other soil-dwelling pests.

– Hoverflies: Consumes aphids and small caterpillars.

– Parasitic Wasps: Lays eggs in pest larvae, controlling their population.

Encouraging Natural Predators:

– Plant a variety of flowering plants to attract beneficial insects.

– Reduce chemical pesticide use to avoid harming natural predators.

– Provide habitats like small piles of leaf litter or rocks for shelter.

Treatment Timing and Application

Proper timing and application of treatments are critical for effective pest control. Applying treatments at the right time can maximize effectiveness and minimize damage to your lawn and beneficial insects.

Timing Considerations:

– Early Morning or Late Evening: Best time to apply insecticides to avoid harming beneficial insects active during the day.

– Seasonal Adjustments: Apply specific treatments based on pest activity throughout the year.

– Post-Watering: Apply treatments after watering to ensure they reach the soil and roots where pests are active.

Application Tips:

Follow all instructions on the treatment label for safe and effective use.

Use appropriate equipment, such as sprayers or spreaders, to evenly apply treatments.

Avoid over-application, which can damage your lawn and harm beneficial organisms.

Lawn Aeration and Soil Health

Maintaining healthy soil through lawn aeration can help prevent pest infestations. Aerating your lawn improves soil structure, enhances root growth, and allows for better water and nutrient absorption. Healthy soil creates a less favorable environment for pests.

Benefits of Aeration:

Reduces soil compaction, making it harder for pests to establish.

Promotes deeper root growth, enhancing lawn resilience.

Improves oxygen flow to roots, supporting overall grass health.

Aeration Techniques:

– Core Aerators: Remove small plugs of soil to reduce compaction.

– Spiked Shoes: Provide mild aeration for less compacted soils.

– Timing: Aerate in spring or fall when grass is actively growing for best results.

Watering Practices to Deter Pests

Proper watering practices are essential for maintaining a healthy lawn and deterring pests. Overwatering or underwatering can create conditions that favor pest infestations.

Optimal Watering Tips:

– Water deeply and infrequently to encourage deep root growth.

– Water early in the morning to reduce evaporation and fungal growth.

– Ensure even coverage to avoid dry spots and overly saturated areas.

Signs of Overwatering:

– Pooling or puddling water on the lawn surface.

– Unusually spongy turf.

– Increase in fungal diseases or mold.

Signs of Underwatering:

– Grass blades turn a bluish-gray color.

– Lawn does not bounce back quickly when stepped on.

– Wilting or brown patches appear.

Fertilization for Pest Resistance

Proper fertilization strengthens your lawn, making it more resistant to pests. Healthy, well-nourished grass can recover more quickly from pest damage and compete better against invading pests.

Key Fertilization Tips:

– Use a balanced fertilizer tailored to your grass type.

– Apply fertilizer during the growing season for your specific grass.

– Avoid over-fertilizing, which can lead to excessive growth and increased susceptibility to pests.

Fertilization Schedule:

– Spring: Apply a high-nitrogen fertilizer to support new growth.

– Summer: Use a balanced fertilizer to maintain strength.

– Fall: Apply a fertilizer with higher potassium to prepare for winter dormancy.

Seasonal Pesticide Rotation

Rotating pesticides helps prevent pests from developing resistance to treatments. Using the same product continuously can reduce its effectiveness over time. Rotating different classes of pesticides disrupts pest life cycles and improves control outcomes.

Steps for Effective Rotation:

Identify the primary pest issue in your lawn.

Use different pesticide groups with various active ingredients.

Follow label instructions for reapplication intervals and switching products.

Monitor the effectiveness and adjust rotation as needed.

Benefits of Professional Pest Control Services

Sometimes, managing lawn pests can be overwhelming, and professional pest control services can provide expert solutions. Trained professionals have experience identifying and treating various pests, offering tailored approaches for your specific needs.

Advantages of Professional Services:

– Accurate pest identification and targeted treatment plans.

– Safe and effective use of high-grade pest control products.

– Time-saving, allowing you to focus on other yard activities.

– Regular monitoring and maintenance to prevent future infestations.

Choosing the Right Service:

– Research reputable pest control providers in your area.

– Ask for references and read customer reviews.

– Ensure the provider uses environmentally friendly products and practices.

Safe Practices for Pesticide Use

When using pesticides, safety should be a top priority to protect yourself, your family, pets, and the environment. Adhering to safety guidelines ensures effective pest control while minimizing risks.

Safety Guidelines:

– Read and follow all label instructions carefully.

– Wear protective gear, such as gloves and masks, when applying pesticides.

– Keep children and pets away from treated areas until the product has dried.

– Store pesticides in their original containers out of reach of children and pets.

Environmental Protection:

– Avoid applying pesticides on windy days to prevent drift.

– Do not apply near water sources to avoid contamination.

– Use spot treatments rather than broad applications when possible.

Identifying Lesser-Known Pests

In addition to the more common lawn pests, your lawn may face threats from lesser-known invaders. Being aware of these pests can help you take action before they cause significant damage.

Common Lesser-Known Pests:

– Cutworms: Caterpillars that cut grass blades near the soil surface, creating dead spots.

– Billbugs: Weevils that feed on grass stems and roots, causing brown patches.

– Frit Flies: Small flies whose larvae mine inside grass blades, creating white streaks.

Signs of Infestation and Control Methods:

– For cutworms, look for grass blades that appear cut at the base and apply Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) or insecticidal soaps.

– For billbugs, monitor for adult weevils and use systemic insecticides to target larvae.

– For frit flies, look for white streaks on grass blades and apply appropriate insecticides to control larvae.

Community Education and Engagement

Educating your community about lawn pests and pest control methods can create a united front against infestations. Sharing information and resources helps neighbors collaborate and maintain healthier lawns overall.

Ways to Engage Your Community:

– Host lawn care workshops or informational sessions.

– Share educational materials like brochures or flyers.

– Create a community garden club focused on sustainable gardening practices.

– Encourage neighbors to adopt IPM and other eco-friendly pest control methods.

By working together, you and your community can create a more resilient environment for lawns and gardens, effectively managing pests and promoting sustainable practices.

Achieving a Pest-Free Lawn with GroGreen

Maintaining a healthy, pest-free lawn in Texas requires knowledge, vigilance, and effective pest control strategies. Understanding the signs of common lawn pests and implementing professional control methods can significantly improve the health and appearance of your lawn. From managing chinch bugs and sod webworms to fostering natural predators and practicing proper lawn care techniques, every step you take contributes to a vibrant and resilient yard.

However, tackling lawn pests can sometimes be overwhelming. That’s where GroGreen comes in. Our team of experts is equipped with the knowledge and tools to handle any pest problem efficiently and effectively. We offer comprehensive pest control solutions tailored to your specific needs, ensuring your lawn remains lush and beautiful throughout the year.

Don’t let pests take over your yard. Contact GroGreen today to schedule a consultation and discover how our professional services can help you achieve a healthy, pest-free lawn. With our expert assistance, you can enjoy a thriving outdoor space that’s free from damaging pests and full of life.

Take the first step towards a greener, healthier lawn by reaching out to GroGreen. Let us handle the pests so you can relax and enjoy your beautiful yard. Your dream lawn is just a call away!